Business Plan Consultancy
DAISe will work with you to deliver a quality, clearly defined, time based and measurable business and financial plan which will not only determine exactly what you business-athletes should be doing on an hourly, daily, weekly and annual basis but as importantly will be acceptable to any bank manager or potential investor. Entrepreneurs will not only know what they should be doing to maximise their potential but will also have the tools to measure what is and what is not working.
Get a FREE Business Plan
Need a Business Plan to secure a bank loan, to apply for a grant or to secure an investment or are one of the few who realises that although plans takes time and time is the master, that with planning comes organisation, with organisation comes efficiency, with efficiency comes effectiveness, with effectiveness comes more opportunity for luck and with luck comes success.
Get in contact with DAISe and we will provide you with the template and the necessary instruction and guidance that will enable you to develop your own business plan.
Nearly every business starts off as a reaction to an opportunity. The entrepreneur realises that there is potential to earn money. Initially they work on their own or with a limited pool of relatives or close friends. They are the product/service designers, the product builders, the sales person, the cashier, the accounts person and the administrator. They answer the phone, they package the product and if required they will deliver the product. When they get home they will market the product, they will manage the bank account and if they have time they will eat and get some sleep.
Unfortunately most of these business-athletes react, react to the next customer, they don’t plan. To plan takes time and time is their master. More than likely they understand that they should plan, that with planning comes organisation, with organisation comes efficiency, with efficiency comes effectiveness, with effectiveness comes more opportunity for luck, with luck comes success.
If they are lucky, they will grow and with growth normally follows increased demand on capital, which also normally leads to their bank or an investor. These both will demand plans!
Develop a Business and Financial Plan
Define your Product/Service
Understand why your Company should be chosen
Identify and Classify Your Customers
Analyse your Market
Agree your Business Goals
Develop Delivery Targets
Define Success Factors
Develop Time Based Measurable Tasks
Build a Sustainable Business From the Ground Up
Understand Who You Are and What you Have
Build your Business Structures
Ensure the Right People are in the Right Positions
Establish your Control & Communications Functions
Develop your 3 Year Strategic and Financial Plan
Organising your Organisation – Moving from Youth to Maturity
For Young or Medium Term Businesses who are approaching or have crossed the 1 Million Turnover Chasm
Taking your Business from One that has Evolved and Turning it into a Business that is Planned, Professionally Structured and Organised
Make the most of your very committed, multitasking, energised and exhausted people who are still enjoying what they are doing but are starting to question if they are getting their fair share.
Without Strategic Planning organisations are reacting, they are thinking on their feet. Business Direction will be determined by those “Who Shout Loudest“!
Save yourself Stress, Save yourself Time, save yourself Money – Plan!
DAISe Systems Analysis’s is driven to deliver Strategic Planning to every organisation.